tiresTires can play a big role in your car’s performance, and they can also have a big impact on your safety. If you find yourself frequently encountering problems with your tires—whether they’re inflated too low, or they’re not wearing evenly—you may be at risk for poor tires. Here are some signs that you may have bad tires:

-Your car feels like it’s spinning when you try to accelerator

-It takes a lot more force to get the car moving than it used to

-Tires are constantly going flat

Tires that don’t perform can often be a sign that the vehicle is not as reliable as it should be. This can mean that the tires are not performing as they should, or that there is something wrong with them. In some cases, this may just be a need for an adjustment, while in other cases it may be something more serious. Anytime you notice something out of the norm, make sure to contact us.

What Causes Tires to Not Perform

The most common cause of tires not performing is due to wear and tear from use. This can include driving on uneven surfaces or hitting potholes during travel. If the tire starts to give way or make strange noises, you may want to contact us.

There are a few things you can do in order to fix a tire that doesn’t seem to be working correctly:

1) Check for any puncture marks or damage to the tires.

2) Check for air pressure – if there’s too much air in the tire, it might not allow it to grip onto road surface properly and start giving way under acceleration or braking forces.

3) Also check the tread wear of the tires.

If your tires don’t perform as they should, you may have to replace them. To do this, check the tire for defects such as air leaks and valve problems. Additionally, check the tire for balance and condition. If any of these conditions are found, you’ll need to replace it. When there is an issue, it is always best that you bring the vehicle in so we can inspect it for you. This can help you have a safe and reliable vehicle.